Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Arts and Cultural Exhibition promoting Muslims and Muslim talents in Singapore


We are organising an arts and cultural exhibition in Singapore promoting Muslims and Muslim talents, like painters, photographers, sculptures, music, short movies or even a theatre production .Other organisation I’ve spoken to suggested lawyers, counsellors, doctors providing free consultation etc. This exhibition will allow Muslims in Singapore to express themselves using a different medium which other people (Muslim and non-Muslim) can relate to.
Ideas on different booth section:

We can have a section on the religious side of islam and probably an ‘imaam’ to answer any queries. Then, we have the Arts/ theatre and History section, Professional section (like lawyers, doctors, Islamic banking, free counselling etc…), Muslim Fashion and music from some Muslim contemporary singers/ Nasheed singers. (ie Taufik Batisah, Raihan,etc)

Venue intend: Singapore Expo
Name of event: (open to suggestion)
Proposed Date of event: December 2007

We would like to gather individuals and organisation/ businesses that shares our idea and would like to support or sponsor us in organising this fun and fresh project. I planned to have this exhibition to be broadcast in the main news (channel 5,etc) and newspapers (straits times, etc). . Please let me know your feedback (bad or good) And lets join together in making this idea a reality. Perhaps you may have additional ideas?

I feel that the Muslim society have been trying to hide their identity to avoid stereotyping or they are ashamed of who they are. Singapore society as a whole ( Muslims and non-Muslims) have little knowledge of what Muslim are and this exhibition will allow them to gain information within the safe space created while getting to know who Muslims are without the frustration of misrepresentation in the media. It will expose us Muslim to everyone else and not just among ourselves which we have been doing for many years.

We are inviting you guys for:-

- feedbacks
- sponsors
- more groups/ individual to join us in organising this event

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