Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Tips on how to utilize your business or organisation sign up.

You can now interact with other members by sharing useful information which is quite hard to find online. Thanks to websites like NB lounge, many people are now able to access information which wasn't easily available before.

We would like to give you some tips on how you can fully utilize your business account's features to benefit everyone on this community website:

1) As a member yourself on this site you're a part of this community first and then a business/ organisation member. So please play by the the rules and conduct yourself as part of our Singapore muslim community who support and be of service to others.

3)Participate as much as you can.You profile and signatures below each post will only be seen to others if you post questions and replies.

4) Use your signature well. Set your phone, website and contact details to display on your posts and in your profile. This more than anything will benefit you in combination with your useful replies.

5) Increase your reputation by making your replies to members qustions useful. Replies like this -> "Hi, I do this service, so call me on my mobile number 999 999 999." is not useful. This is spamming and not allowed, unless the asker of that question only wanted a list of company name and contact number. Promoting your business in this manner does not make people want to hire you for your services.

6) Share your knowledge with members. If someone asks about something that you have knowledge about, share it with them. For example if you are in the wedding industry and a member is asking about where to get an affordable wedding dais, do not reply like this "I do beautiful dais, contact me..." Instead reply like this, "Salaam, my business is dealing with wedding dais. it comes in an aray or styles and price. $400 for a 5ft dais, $500 for 6 ft etc. We use satin fabrics for the backdrop and special lightings...etc etc..."
Bottom line is give useful and detailed information. Our members will love you for it and so will the search engines. Do not be afraid to give prices or recomending to other business or giving people tips on how they can save money. That is what people want to know most of the time.

7) Try to gain more points and get yourself the top member shields. It really shows that you are someone who know your stuff and your replies have value.

8) Our site ranks very high on search engines (i.e google, yahoo , msn..) People normally come to our site searhing for something specific. so make good use of this by providing excellent specific replies.(as mentioned above).

9) We wish to raise the efficiency, justice and honesty of how businesses conduct themselves. These are the main ethics as a muslim that Islam recommends when dealing with clients which in turn increase your revenue, inshAllah. Many have complain on how they have been 'cheated' by businesses. Use this as a platform to improve your business, getting to know your potential clients and to give excellent services to others.

For those who would like to Sign up for this FREE business or organisation account, please proceed to Sign up! Fill in your details and click on "i would like to promoto my business or organisation". We are giving away this account free for a limited time.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Free Trial to promote your business or organisation on NB lounge

A few business and organisation have contacted us to be able to interact with our members on our site. We came up with this fantastic idea which would benifit everyone. If you own a business or an organisation and would like to promote it, just sign up for one of this account. As you use our site to ask a question and answer question, you will be promoting your business. How?...well, your details and your business banner will be seen on each post. Members can click on your profile page to learn more about you and your business. So as you interact and create your repo with others so will your business. You are also given a special badge when u create this account with us.

We require 50 sign up to trial this. It's FREE so jump on NasiBriyani lounge and sign up for one! It's in beta stage, so would appreciate if we can hear from all those who have this account for more feedback on how to improve it.

View our live example --> Promote your business or organisation on NB lounge !

Sign up Now!

Step 1:
go to the sign up page

Step 2:
fill in your details

Step 3:
click on "I would like to promote my business or organisation"

Step 4:
activate your account and you will be up and running.

Stay tuned for more tips on how you can utalise this feature!
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