Monday, April 2, 2007

Are Singapore Muslim backboneless?

We've receive an interesting question and rather long question i may add, recently. We thought that we'll post it on our blog for Muslim in Singapore (or abroad) to read and probably reply and respond.

Here's the Question on "Singapore muslim are weekling & backboneless!!"

Why do people in Singapore celebrate ritual things ie, Eid and our Prophet (pbuh) Birthday while not doing anything to get their rights to practice Islam properly in Singapore? Are Singapore muslims cowards?

I know our Prophet (pbuh) and his companions never celebrated the Prophet (pbuh) birthday, and i also know that the scholars said that its a good thing to celebrate it. (well opinions differ among scholars as always)

However, my question has nothing to do about the act of celebration but more toward how a Singapore muslim society have allowed themselves to be treated like crap.

If Muslims in Singapore thinks that they are allowed to fully peacefully practice their religion... (or that they have freedom) i think they are in denial. Having mosques all over the country OR sprouting religious/Islamic classes, or just being allowed to exist in the country as being called a Muslim Society, are not a symbol of freedom to practice their religion. Having our way of life (Islam) being reduced and ridiculed to simply ritual and faith is very condescending. Even more disturbing to see that happening in Singapore. Muslim in Singapore have forgotten or probably didn't know that Islam isn't just an act of ritual. Muslim people in Singapore are not fully thriving because Islam is not being practice in its complete form.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying to wage a war or change the country to a Islamic shariah. No i'm not saying that at all. I'm saying that Muslims should have their rights met. If Muslim in the west can thrive and practice their religion fully...than a country like Singapore should be even better. The mentality of Singapore Muslim people is just wired wrong by years of censorship and god knows what.

(just one of the many example) People are not able to go to school or work in some companies with their hijab on! What kinda crap is this!! Who have allowed this to happen? Even if some Muslim do not agree with the aspect and the need for wearing Hijab (or other things they don't agree) They should be supporting the each other in issues like this. It's nothing wrong with wanting this kinda thing. What is the harm with wanting to cover up more? It's obvious that there is a lack of respect and understanding for Islam by Muslims as well as non- muslims themselves) These are some of the signs of how week Muslims in Singapore have been in educating themselves as well as people around them on how to treat them right, justly and fairly. basically they are treated as shit. The everyday muslim people have not educated their future generation, lived in a cocooned environment and seriously lack any understanding of what Islam truly is even if they think that they are living their daily lives as Muslim.

Why do people in Singapore celebrate all these ritual stuff while not using their time to transcending what Islam really is. ( and i don't mean attending more religious classes, that's not gonna help the community in fully thriving as a citizen in a country) Although Muslim Singaporean may not like to what extend they are allowed to practice their religion, while living in a country which is turning more towards anti-Islam (Singapore)....why are they simply complaining , taking it all in, live passively, taking the back seat or even worst accepting their 'fate' and acting like a victim in all of these things that are upon them.

Singapore Muslim are at fault for letting this gone for as long as it have. Yes this includes ESPECIALLY people who go to the mosque and pray 5 times a day, and they who do all the ritual things that Islam require of us, they who teaches Islamic studies, they who preaches to other Muslim what is right and wrong. Don't think that you are doing anything good by just praying/preaching and any allowing such things to happen in your community. Everyone who call themselves Muslim are every bit at fault for the situation you a facing. You guys should step up to the plate and be honest to see what is really going on around you! Don't Muslim in Singapore have any dignity and self respect left in themselves? They are letting themselves being told, dominated and bullied by someone who thinks knows what is right or even acceptable as Singapore Muslim community?

Don't they feel ashamed, as a Muslim living in south east Asia, surrounded by Muslim countries around them, that they have allowed someone else to think for them, promoted themselves as the lesser race/ religion/ culture. Which resulted them not being able to have their rights/voice to practice their own faith. In contrast to that, their muslim brothers and sisters in the west have more freedom to be themselves and practice their religion freely, although the county is not an Islamic country? What an irony.

What do Singapore Muslims say about this? or don't they have a mind and a voice of their own to think and speak up any more?

please read this below link/article to get what i'm saying . :)

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