Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Where are the people?

While the team was discussing the production of the site I was wondering why in Singapore, our Muslim community is referred to as "Malay Muslims". Yes I know that the majority of Muslims in Singapore are Malays, but what about the other races, like Chinese, Indian, Caucasian and some others?? I find it quite racist to classify Muslims as Malay Muslims. Where do the rest of the Muslims go?? That would be a nice question to put on the site. Why couldn't they refer to Muslims as just 'Muslims' instead of adding 'Malay'??

The majority of Muslim study circle are conducted in Malay.. and again.. we have a problem here.. where do the rest who doesn't speak Malay turn to?? I do understand there are some places which conduct their classes in English and there are more advance courses these days that are conducted in English.. which is a good sign. But generally speaking Muslims in Singapore are a society driven by Malay culture. Reverts for example may find it difficult to adjust their new life in such an environment.

'With this in mind.. one of our aim is to attract the many multi cultured people who are in Singapore to participate in this community portal. Especially in this era where Singapore is filled with expats working and living their life. I think we sometimes forget that expats are just not the caucasians.. they are your Malaysian, Thai, Chinese, Indian, & Bangladeshi workers and they have their place in shaping our society. Many of them are Muslims as well.'

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