Monday, March 12, 2007

What's the point with points??

So much for those heavy highly opinionated stuff about Singapore and Muslim. Back onto the website...the concept of the points.

What is the deal with our point system? When the team though of building this site, we looked through forum sites and other similar stuff there are out there who are doing this Question and Answer thingi.

There are heaps of muslim forms but we never liked the 'hostility' and confronting nature of these forum. It's almost like these places are the place you would argue about people idea on wht they think islam is, instead of simple exchanging different concept and exploring its truth.

They are mostly religiously incline, i.e..the black an white of the laws in Islam. If hardly ever tough on the reality of what Muslim people in Singapore especially are going through. For me, i hate going to forums. They are so messy and you don't get the answer you are looking for. Its not like a resource base where you can use to understand what the Muslim people are going through.

There a serious debate/discussion going on about "We Practice A Very Mild Version Of Islam In Singapore " on, and Nb:lounge was mention in one of the post. heh.

Ok back to the points. How it works is simple, when you sign up (its free and takes only 2 mins) you are given points. The points are like currency and acts as an incentive when you do give a good answer. The asker of the question will select just one reply amongst the many replies that users are providing.

"The whole purpose is to encourage people to really think of the reply they are thinking, and not to put some random stuff like you find in forums. And every good effort deserve a good reward."

Well, its nothing monetary no doubt, but we're here not to
encourage materiality reward. but who knows..somewhere down the line we might get sponsorships and give out gifts for people who have been loyal,dedicated and giving really good and resourceful replies.

It's all up to the users to shape this website.

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