Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Eid Festival in Melbourne. 2007

We had a fantastic week for Eid. Each year in Australia, Melbourne there's always an Eid festival and this one was the biggest we've seen so far. It was amazing with rides, Nasheeds, Movie presentation, and some performance. There's stalls for everyone in any age group and the finale the fireworks. There are Muslims in every walk of life who turned up for this festival. And although the night soon turn quite chilly, people were still hanging around with a nice cupa coffee and kids running around.

courtesy of Sultana.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Donate your bone marrow this Eid and help this child live!

Request for bone marrow transplant deposit- patient Abd El Rahman Omar Mandour, hrn no. XE3121450

Abd Rahman is a 17mth old boy egyptian child who is diagnosed with a gentic disorder, Mucopolysaccharidosis at the age of 10mths. His family needs S$250,000 for his treatment. His article was featured in Berita Harian, dated 22 and 25 sept.

Before he reaches 2yrs which is 6mths from now, his brain cells will start to deteriorate. He need treatment as soon as possible. Please help to disseminate this information.

If you need further info/clarification, pls call Dr Tyrone Goh, Director of Ops, NUH at tel; 67725030 or abd rahman
father- Mr Omar 90864144

Here`s wishing all Muslim bros and sis, a blessed Hari Raya...


Friday, October 12, 2007

Eid mubarak, Selamat Hari Raya.

On behalf of NB lounge team, we will like to wish all our Muslim members on NB lounge and our multiply readers a Happy Eid. May Allah grand us Jannah in the Hereafter.

Please remember the volunteers, members of NB lounge and our all the Muslims around the world in your prayers. While you are out and about visiting family and friends, share with them about our fantastic website and what we are doing for our Muslim community in Singapore as well as in other parts of the world.

Your continue support by asking and answering question on our website will only motivate us to develop this site beyond what we currently have. So, thank you for that.


NB lounge team

main site:

For your info, the real content of the website is actually on our main site and multiply and blogger are just compliments to the actual site itself. More like a summary on what is going on NasiBriyani lounge. Any ideas on improving our website...please let us know. If you will like to be a part of our team, also drop us a line. :D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Friday, October 5, 2007

Explorer users, we are back!

We figured out that the list of Upcoming events which we were using through yahoo upcoming was creating the problem. We have taken down the events on the right side of the site in order for our site to operate as per normal.

We are contacting yahoo to let them know that something is wrong with their codes which was interfering with our website.

Thank you guys for your support and help. :)

Have a great weekend.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Alert!! Nb lounge is not loading proper on 'explorer'

Salaam All,

Thanks to one of our member alerting us about this, Nasi Briyani lounge seemed to be only showing the events page on explorer web browser and not the rest of the site. Our web guy is trying to figure out what is causing this.

If you are using 'firefox' as your web browser you will be fine. We've always been wanting to advise our members to use firefox as your web browser as that web browser is more robust, powerful and it has a solid pop up blocker. It's also the web browser that is well loved by web developers. So please go to the link below to download it.

download firefox here:

We'll inform all of you when we have figured out what is causing this. If any of you guys have web programming background or knows what might be happening, please contact us.

Thank you for your patients.


Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Volunteering opportunity as Event coordinator, PR and marketing, Graphic Designers, Flash developer, Illustrators, Journalist or article contributor

We are an online Singapore Muslim community website based in Australia, Melbourne call NasiBriyani website url: We have created this website project to bridge Muslim organisation,businesses, groups, individual together by actively supporting each other by asking and answering questions. We would like to expand our site globally for the benefit of everyone.

Our website was recently featured, showcased and selected as the editors choice on! Yayy!! We are proud to be a Muslim Community website to be recognized in the global web circles. Our team are volunteers who are dedicated to usability as well as design and of course our Muslim community.

We are opening different volunteering position as an opportunity for the community to gain experience, build up that portfolio as well as being a part of this community project.
Currently we already have a few projects lined up for the above position. We would like to set up a base team in Melbourne as well as teams in other parts of the world.

List of positions:
Events coordinator, PR and marketing, Graphic Designer, Flash Developer, Illustrators, Journalist, article contributor ( in any field )

Who is this position suitable for?
Position is open globally. Anyone who has a computer, a web cam ( if not in Melbourne ) and internet accessibility. Any individuals who is serious and passionate about any of the above positions and wanting to implement, learn and develop their skills in a dynamic team. Anyone who wants to make a difference in the world. Also great to built your portfolio.

Who is this position NOT suitable for?
We work based on datelines, weekly tasks and weekly 1hr or so meetings to catch up on what we have done. For those who may have an issue with keeping with datelines and weekly meeting then it might Not be suitable for you. If you are looking to earn cash, this might not be for you as well since our website do not earn any money. Meeting can be done online or we can sometimes go for a cupa coffee or dinner (if you are in Melbourne) or else we can do it virtually :P

It's hard to come by a good website let alone a good Muslim website. Hence we would like to be one of the best website in the world.

Please email me your resume or any queries you might have.


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