We've noticed an increased number of businesses posting ads in questions despite accepting the community guidelines and rules where it clearly says its not allowed. To do so without payment for advertising is just wrong. If businesses continue to do so, we would not be able to continue running this website for long. We are bearing all the running expenses of this website and as businesses continue to profit from the exposure through our website, we have to incur more cost. As the cost reaches proportions that we cannot sustain, we will no longer be able to run this website and the people who have been benefiting from it, won't benefit anymore. We all lose out in the end.
As a muslim business do not take what you are doing lightly. Rest assured, you will get more business from us, but what you are earning by doing the above is not Halal and your income has no blessing. Putting ads on our site withought payment, asking questions to promote your own business, answering your own questions about your business by signing up multiple accounts, posing as fake customers all to increase your business popularity is considered cheating, stealing and deceiving. Is this who we are as Muslim Businesses?
NB lounge has already created avenues for business to actively participate on this site in a Halal acceptable manner.
1) by signing up for a business account for FREE
2) paid advertising oppourtunities for those who would like to fully take advantage of our strong ranking on the Internet for various things concerning Singapore Muslims ie, wedding, catering, fashion, products and services, islamic classes..etc.
The benefits of being mentioned on our site are obvious. For example a wedding card business is getting thousands of people visiting their website alone per month because someone has truthfully listed their website in one of the questions in this site. Similarly these catering business also get huge amounts of traffic from us. You can see for yourself.
http://extremetracking.com/open;ref2?login=shamentehttp://extremetracking.com/open;ref2?login=puteriweScroll down to the last section 'All website referrers' and you'll see a page from our site listed in the top 3 referrers. eg. from sham-enterprise, we are no. 1. bringing them 16.5% of their total traffic from our catering question.
Now imagine, if this sort of exposure is possible from just a question, what could be possible from advertising on the site, where your ad would be visible on all pages.
You can help our Singapore Muslim community and this website including your business by doing the right thing, which is to pay for your ads. Your contribution will fund the running of this site and benifit thousands of people. Allah will reward you more with his approval and blessing (barakah) by increasing your business popularity Inshllah. So, brothers and sisters, do it Halal, pay for your ads.